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This page is constantly changing, shifting, and being redesigned. Please excuse the mess!

Victorian immersive sim in Unity, developed by Dillon Rogers, published by New Blood Interactive.

Tasks: Designing and creating many of the game's final UI assets and menus, consulting on additional menus. Additional testing.

First-person character action shooter in Unity, developed by Arsi "Hakita" Patala, published by New Blood Interactive.

Tasks: Consulting to improve and redesign menu elements. Additional testing.

Pixelated rotoscope horror game, developed by Airdorf Games, published by New Blood Interactive.

Tasks: Consult on gameplay scenarios. Additional testing.

Horror styled first person shooter in Unity, developed by David Szymanski, published by New Blood Interactive.

Tasks: Redesign game menus. Design and implement new menu screens and HUD elements for multiplayer. Design new menus and icons with a focus on controller functionality and universal readability. Create multiplayer levels fit for arena FPS gameplay. Additional testing.


Asymmetric multiplayer first-person-shooter in Unreal Engine 4, developed by Geoff "Zag" Keene, published by Deep Field Games.

Tasks: Improving and redesigning many existing UI assets, including menus and HUD elements. Additional testing.

Work finished: Jan 2022. Reason: Game returned to original publisher.

Action movie styled first person shooter in Unity, developed by George Mandell, published by Balloon Moose Games.

Tasks: Complete redesign of menus, HUD, etc UI. Additional testing.

Work finished: Oct 2020. Reason: Game returned to original publisher.

NOTE: Maximum Action has since received updates, and is no longer an accurate representation of my work. This space will soon reflect the work I completed while the game was published under New Blood Interactive.